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Harvey Intelm's Sudoku Guide eBook

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Joined: 06 Nov 2005
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Location: Arkansas USA

PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 8:04 pm    Post subject: Harvey Intelm's Sudoku Guide eBook Reply with quote

Has anyone bought this e-book (advertized on the Daily Sudoku site). It's $17 U.S. and I'd like some reviews by readers before I "bite". No paid shills, friends or family members of the author please!
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 11:10 pm    Post subject: Re: Harvey Intelm's Sudoku Guide eBook Reply with quote

PoppaPoppa wrote:
Has anyone bought this e-book (advertized on the Daily Sudoku site). It's $17 U.S. and I'd like some reviews by readers before I "bite". No paid shills, friends or family members of the author please!

I haven't seen this, but just to say that this must have been a Google ad, and as such is not endorsed by me in any way. (I must add a notice to the site to this effect). $17 seems expensive, but I haven't seen the ad even for description.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 1:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

First: Harvey Intelm does not exist, he is a fictional character.

Second: Some guys at the sudoku community on livejournal complained about not having received the book after paying with their credit cards.

See http://community.livejournal.com/sudoku/21939.html for the thread.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 5:59 pm    Post subject: Harvey's book Reply with quote

I bought the $17 book. I didn't believe a word about the story of how it came to be. The great secret that allows you to solve every puzzle was simply what he calls the possibility matrix, namely, putting in each cell the possible numbers that can go there. As a free bonus, you can get a second book, in which he explains the usual Sudoku techniques. There are some mistakes in the examples, which I found annoying. The pages have huge type, widely spaced, so that the book comes out to over 100 pages. Each page has colored background fill, so it uses up a lot of toner. After buying the book, I began to receive almost daily emails, which I quickly stopped. All told, it probably wasn't worth it.
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PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2006 10:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Unless its on a site like Amazon I would not buy any book....sorry for being paraniod but their are just to many scammers and lazy people that like to take their sweet time on the net
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PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2006 3:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm getting his daily emails, and he's touting his "possibility matrix" approach as if it were the theory of general relativity instead of something every Sudoku player I know has used. He's also spending a lot of time addressing how to solve puzzles with more than one answer, which I find ridiculous because I'd consider those not Sudoku puzzles at all.
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PostPosted: Thu May 25, 2006 9:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I, unfortunately bought this book earlier this week. I know basic strategies, etc. but it made strong claims to something new. I got it and it was nothing new at all, as a matter of fact you can easily google more on one search. I usually don't buy internet books that are one stop shopping, however I thought I'd try this for 17 buck and a 90 day "unconditional" money back refund.

Rather than simplily saying, I want my money back, I explained that I felt I was somewhat misled by the claim of new strategies, etc. His big secret is nothing more than the simple matrix system, the the bonus book is all the regular tecniques you already know. Also, as mentioned in another post, is the color scheme of it makes if VERY difficult to print - another pain, but that's not a real big deal, who the hell would want to print it. I paid with Paypal.

Okay so here's what happened! The next morning I find a refund from him in my email, a paypal transaction of a credit from him for: .01 cent. That's right, unstead of my $17.00 back, he sent my 1 cent via paypal. I gave him benefit of doubt and asked about that and could he please follow up, but NOT ONE WORD back.

So be aware:

1) the book is a total joke and completely SUCKS anyway
2) he's a total crook and will NOT refund your money - do NOT spend you money here.
3) I would rather he completely STIFFED me with no reply, than the slap to the face with the .01 cents.
4) Ebook can be found for free anyway if you look, I just didn't want to cheat him.
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