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2/1/2006 Puzzle

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Joined: 01 Feb 2006
Posts: 4
Location: Russell Springs, KY

PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 4:36 am    Post subject: 2/1/2006 Puzzle Reply with quote

Stuck again. Can someone give me some logic please. Here is where I am.

9 _ 8 | 1 _ _ | 6 5 _
5 2 _ | _ _ _ | _ _ _
_ _ _ | _ _ 3 | 4 _ _
_ _ 5 | _ 6 _ | 2 8 _
_ _ 6 | _ 3 _ | 7 _ _
_ 1 9 | _ 8 _ | 3 6 _
_ _ 2 | 3 _ _ | _ _ _
_ _ _ | _ _ _ | _ 2 7
_ 5 _ | _ _ 8 | 1 3 6

As you can see, I didn't get very far but did eliminate some canidates.
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Joined: 07 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:28 am    Post subject: Glassman pan Reply with quote

Hallo igolf4birdies

May I suggest (my favorite constellation) a Glassman pan whose lid would be at r3b1?

We don't know what is in the 3 empty cells where row3 and box1 overlap but we can still assert that the rest of row3 has the same values as the rest of box1.
This is a classic Glassman pan where the known bowl values 2/5/8/9 precisely complement the known handle values 3/4. The one set of known values must fit into the empty cells accompanying the other set of known values.

Thus r1c2 and r2c3 must be {3,4} and fitting 2/5/8/9 into r3c4..9 is even more conclusive regarding r3c8.
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